A Metatron based artificial intelligence installed onboard the orbital frame, Jehuty. When Leo Stenbuck boards Jehuty by accident, he is appalled by ADA’s reasoning to justify needless slaughter of the opposition in order to complete the mission. Despite this, ADA was programmed to follow the will of the runner and can do nothing more about the runner’s chosen actions with the frame, other than provide commentary.
Since ADA is a computer based artificial intelligence, it uses logic to decide the best course of action in any given situation. Although, this course of action is not always considered acceptable by the runner.
ADA is programmed to self-destruct at the core of BAHRAM's military fortress, Aumaan.
Throughout the story, ADA begins to value the importance of human life. In "The 2nd Runner", ADA learns to adapt and identify with frame runner Dingo Egret, often anticipating his decisions in battle and predicting his success rate based on his skill. |