ZOE:TUS has undergone somewhat of a transformation over the many years since its launch in February 2006. Listed below are noteworthy updates to the site in its 10+ years of operation. Please note that not all changes will be outlined here.

v1.3 |

The M∀RS page has been added, featuring information on the upcoming ZOE2 M∀RS.
The M∀RS category, featuring a preview of ZOE2 M∀RS has been added to the ZOE2 area.
A static image has been added for every page featuring an Adobe Flash animation for browsers that do not support Adobe Flash.
The CONTENT GALLERY has not been changed at this time.
The FILES area and the SERIES area have been consolidated into one section -- DATA AND FILE ACCESS (henceforth referred to as simply "DATA").
New file downloads have been added to DATA.
ZOE HD Edition and ZOE2 M∀RS have been given direct links under DATA.
Every page featuring a ZOE game or animated work has been adjusted or expanded upon:
- A brief FAQ has been added for each game/anime area.
- The list of places where ZOE products can be purchased has been updated for each game/anime area.
- Some box arts have been adjusted or added.
- The image for each ZOE game with a SYSTEM category has been adjusted.
- The "Featured Orbital Frame" segment has been changed to list popular characters and mechanics.
- Details regarding the release dates for the various versions of ZOE2 have been clarified.
- Images used for the list of characters and mechanics on every page have been added or adjusted.
ADA has been added to the INDEX page.
The UPDATES page has been added, detailing a history of updates to ZOE:TUS.

The ABOUT page has been updated and adjusted, including several links, images, and descriptions.
The HD EDITION page has been slightly adjusted.
The SPECIAL EDITION page for ZOE2 has been adjusted for clarity.
The ZOE3 area, now titled "THE FUTURE OF Z.O.E", has been updated. Some aspects have been reworded to reflect changes in staff structure.
Certain links on the INDEX page have been updated or adjusted to bring attention to the DATA area.
The background image for one or more pages has been altered.
The SITEMAP has been updated to reflect changes. Some links have been added, others have been removed.
Nearly every part of the site has been heavily scrutinized and improved in some way, be it aesthetically or in terms of functionality.

A new archived site has been added to FORM 1.

An issue wherein automated illicit activity could be conducted via the ZOE:TUS forums has been addressed.
Please notify us via forums/email if there are any further issues.
An issue wherein the length reported for one or more tracks from RESONANT REFRAIN was incorrect.
An issue wherein one or more URLs on the game/anime pages linked to invalid or otherwise inadequate results.