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ZONE OF THE ENDERS: The Unofficial Site presents... Resonance... what? Resonance reaction? No, it is RESONANT REFRAIN: ZONE OF THE ENDERS Orbital Sound Selection.
RESONANT REFRAIN is a selection of unreleased BGM from the first two Zone of the Enders titles, with a few bonus tracks. It is split into two discs.
The first disc, titled "VIOLA SIDE" is a brief flashback to ZONE OF THE ENDERS (2001), featuring a handful of memories from the Antilia Raid of 2172 and driving home the importance of keeping those memories of the first ever ZOE experience while we enjoy the fruits of the sequel's success.
The second disc, titled "DINGO SIDE" takes you from the Antilia Raid to two years later, where Dingo Egret fills Leo Stenbuck's shoes as THE 2ND RUNNER (2003) of Orbital Frame Jehuty. It is a time of great conflict as an ex-BAHRAM pilot with a tragic past seeks revenge against his former commander for, as far as he is concerned, every crime committed under the sun. As the gears of Aumaan turn, the will of Metatron silently chooses the victor...

01: VIOLA SIDE | 02: DINGO SIDE | Credits

ZONE OF THE ENDERS Orbital Sound Selection
RESONANT REFRAIN is split into two discs, the "VIOLA SIDE" featuring music from the first ZOE title, and the "DINGO SIDE" with music from The 2nd Runner.
01. Message from Earth
02. Title (Flowing Destiny)
03. Kiss Me Sunlights (Japanese short ver.)
04. Kiss Me Sunlights (English short ver.)
05. Hangar
06. Factory Corruption
07. EPS
08. City (Alternate ver.)
09. Anubis (Dialogue mix)
10. 声優 (ADA)
11. 声優 (Leo)
12. 声優 (Viola)
13. 声優 (Celvice)
01. Runner Registration
02. Beyond the Bounds (Japanese trailer)
03. Beyond the Bounds (English trailer)
04. Title (Free from Gravity)
05. BAHRAM Battleship (AI Viola)
06. Anubis VS Jehuty (Resonance version)
07. Deimos Battle Arena
08. Attack on Vascilia
09. Minefield
10. Fortress of “Inhert”
11. 準備 OK
12. Phantom Aumaan
13. Deep Space Survival
14. The Distant Future...
15. From Deimos to Phobos
16. Message from Mars
Previous Albums:
Released in July 2006 as part of a ZOE:TUS site feature.

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